New (archived)
August 4, 2002
** Wendy
Sparks has taken some incredible photos of Renee for the fan
club. Check them out at
** Renee's
remaining performances as Lady MacBeth...
9 August -- Manhattan Beach, Polliwog Park -- 7 PM
1601 Manhattan Beach Blvd., Manhattan Beach
16 August (closing night) -- San Pedro, Pt. Fermin -- 7 PM
807 Paseo del Mar, San Pedro
** Renee has agreed to make a rare stage appearance
in AR GURNEY's LOVE LETTERS, performed on Saturday Night of
the upcoming convention in CHERRY HILL, NEW JERSEY (suburb of
Philadelphia). This big event is now on AUGUST 10-11, 2002
July 27, 2002
** The
following is from Sharon Delaney (Creation Ent.)
For all
the Renee O'Connor fans who won't have a chance to see her
Lady Macbeth, we will have a "taste of Lady M" in
fan club kit #6.
Yesterday we went with Renee to Pt. Fermin Park where the play
is being
performed and did some filming.
First was a short sit-down interview in street clothes.
After that was
over, Renee asked if we'd like to film some of her physical
routine. She proceeded to sit down on the ground and put
her foot behind
her head! Turns out she does a yoga routine to warm up.
She went through
a series of moves for the camera.
Renee then changed into the blue costume from the play and
began to recite
some of Lady M's speeches. We filmed her walking along
the stone fence
that runs above the cliffs, delivering her lines full-out to
the sea. I
mentioned that one of the other actors did his rehearsing on
the other side
of the fence. Renee hiked up the dress and hopped over
with my camera crew
right behind her! With the wind making the most
incredible moving
sculptures of Renee and the blue gown, she put her arms out
and continued
to recite. She looked like Kate Winslet on the bow of
the Titanic -- eyes
closed, face up to the sky.
The shoot was only scheduled for 45 minutes, but Renee stayed
for an hour
and a half and kept asking for more things to do! And,
yes, we did get the
Macbeth "Undo the Curse" Rap delivered right into
the camera lens in
Renee's sauciest manner <G>
We had a still photographer there and took lots of pics that
we will have
available very soon.
Official Xena Fan Club
July 16, 2002
** updated page 19 of Renee's
pictures section.
July 13, 2002
** added link to SaM's
(Princess Moon) insightful interview with Renee O'Connor (July 8, 2002).
Click here to read the
** Read SaMROC's
report of Renee's performance here.
** Congratulations to Shakespeare
by the Sea and to the
cast (especially Renee) and crew of the plays Much Ado About Nothing and Macbeth
for a successful opening night.
April 28, 2002
** added 2 new
pictures of Renee on page 18
of Renee's Pictures Section.
April 14, 2002
** Sharon
Delaney talks about Renee:
Talked with Lucy and Renee yesterday. Both are doing fine...
is taking two classes which we'll be talking about in the next
newsletter. I'll be doing interviews with both of them next
week for newsletter #19. "
April 5, 2002
** added 3 new pictures
of Renee on page 18
of Renee's Pictures Section.
March 23, 2002
** added pages 17
and 18
of Renee's Pictures Section.
** added pages 17,
18, 19,
and 20 of Crossover Pictures
March 02,
still available:
Beckers' Review
of "Love Letters" Starring Renee
O'Connor and Michael Hurst at the Pasadena Convention.
the Pasadena Con Report compliments of
23, 2002
Read Beckers' Review
of "Love Letters" Starring Renee
O'Connor and Michael Hurst at the Pasadena Convention.
February 17, 2002
** Read the
Pasadena Con Report compliments of
February 16, 2002
From Creation
Saturday Evening Performance: From innocence to passion to
fury, she created a character that is cherished by fans worldwide.
All of us watched in awe and admiration as she carried us on a
journey we'll never forget! And now, Creation Entertainment is
thrilled to announce that RENEE
appear live on-stage in AR Gurney's moving play LOVE LETTERS. This
special event offers an amazingly rare opportunity to watch this
dynamic star in an exclusive theatrical performance. Starring with
Renee will be the fantastic MICHAEL
HURST. What a great
pleasure it will be to see this acting "master" at work
live on stage!
15, 2002
Renee O'Connor celebrates her 31st birthday! Happy Birthday,
birthday was included in the crawl this morning on CNN Headline
News. (Score one for CNN!!!) That's pretty cool! also, Jane
Seymour (Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman) is 51 today.
February 4, 2002
Michael will be appearing on-stage Sunday, but the biggest and
news is that he will be starring with Renee in AR GURNEY's LOVE
LETTERS, our Saturday Evening (Feb. 16) live performance! Two of the finest
talents around: we've all loved them for years and now we get to see
them "work it" together live on-stage!
part of the fun, check out the details now at:
December 23, 2001
here's a Christmas gift from the creators of PAX, as a way of
thanking you for your continued support of the site.
December 21, 2001
the Creation Entertainment Web Site:
And now,
Creation Entertainment is thrilled to announce that RENEE O'CONNOR
will appear live on-stage in AR Gurney's moving play LOVE LETTERS.
This special event offers an amazingly rare opportunity to watch
this dynamic star in an exclusive theatrical performance. LOVE
LETTERS, with a male lead still to be announced, will take place on
Saturday Night of the Annual Official XENA Convention, this year set
for February 15-17, 2002 at the Pasadena Center.
December 20, 2001
Renee O'Connor is included in the list of guests scheduled to attend
the next Annual Official Xena Convention at the Pasadena Center on
February 15-17, 2002.
December 1, 2001
** updated page 11and
of Renee's pictures.
November 29, 2001
added page 10
and of
Renee's pictures and 16 and 17 of Crossovers
November 3, 2001
** added pages 6 - 15 of Crossovers pictures.
October 31, 2001
**added Page 6
, 7 , 8 , 9
of Pictures Section.
15, 2001
movie, "Rubbernecking" will be shown at The Valley Film
Festival, Monday, October 29, 2001. The movie is about a group of
people stuck on LA traffic. For more information go to:
14, 2001
Articles section.
3, 2001
official - According to Creation Entertainment, Renee & Steve
have a son!
William Muir was born on September 22, 2001 weighing 8 pounds 8
ounces. He's beautiful, healthy and who took the word "sleep" out of the dictionary.
-- Renee O'Connor and Steve Muir
No infringement of
copyrights were intended for the creators, owners of the characters
of Xena: Warrior Princess during the production of this site. This
site is purely non-profitable and fan-based. It was created and is maintained by the TRIUMVIRATE.

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